Friday 8 April 2016

Danger! Affiliate marketing and rocket science have more in common than you think

Affiliate marketing is like putting a man on the moon

How do you think a NASA mission to the moon might function without a mission control? You would have contractors around the world building their separate rocket stages without communicating and if one happens to work in the metric system and the other uses imperial inches and feet, you've got yourself some serious trouble brewing. And then you’d have Congress, who is funding things, pretty excited for the space mission but juggling hundreds of other projects (the economy, anyone?) and far too busy to double check things. And of course you would have the brave astronauts who, once launched, might have an emergency question but then nobody at home monitoring the cobweb encrusted radio. Can't you almost hear the screws rattling off as this cobbled-together rocket roars off into space? What odds would you give it for returning?

Sounds like a nightmare, right? Well this is exactly what we see time and time again when companies start their own affiliate marketing programs without hiring an affiliate marketing agency or mission control,if you will. 

Houston, we have a digital marketing problem

Affiliate marketing consultants come with the expertise of having launched rockets before. They have all of the relationships with all of the contractors (affiliates), they keep everyone on one standard of measurement (success metrics), and they know exactly what results the American public (their client) wants. And maybe most importantly, theyre there to take responsibility when the astronautes (your programs) call home and need advice (or need instructions on how to 3D print a wrench. True story).When everything comes together just like you want it to, that rocket returns home with a positive ROI. 

So as you're rolling put the schematics and designing your own affiliate marketing,outsourced affiliate program management and program management, you are most likely asking yourself, can I really afford to involve an affiliate marketing agency?" But as someone about to perform the marketing equivalent of putting a man on the moon what you really need to ask yourself is can you really afford not to?

Ready to launch?

Versa Marketing is full of rocket scientists (of the digital marketing type) and they'd be happy to chat with you about where your rocket needs to go. Call us at 1-800-940-8780 or request a free proposal today! 

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